TINTON FALLS – The municipal budget adopted by Tinton Falls this week features an average $38 increase in municipal taxes for taxpayers.
The $22,688,81 is actually less than last year’s budget of $22,877,935.00 which is a savings of $189,124.00. The tax rate was increased slightly from .441 to .454 which is an increase of .0126. On an average household value of around $300,000 the increase is only $38.
Health care premiums, salaries, and various items purchased were all reasons given to justify this year’s budget, borough officials said.
There was a surplus of $3,950,000 of which $2,773,806.00 was used and $1,177,194 was still available. There was a 52,071 amount made available for improvements which included refuse containers ($40,000) and improvements to the historical Crawford House ($12,071).
In other business, the Borough Council introduced an ordinane for the appropriation of $677,000.00 for equipment such as a street sweeper, a garbage truck, pick up trucks, a utility vehicle, a remote lighting system, an automated attendance system, radar units, and improvements to asphalt within the town. All of the items included in the ordinance we’re in accordance with the plans and specifications that are on file in the office of the clerk.