The Bradley Beach Memorial Day Committee presented a check of $17,653 to the borough for the purchase of a new digital electric sign.
The committee raised funds for the sign throughout the year and presented the check at this week’s Borough Council meeting. They also negotiated the installation of the sign with the Decker Family of Bradley Beach who will train three borough officials to work the sign and provide maintenance at no additional cost.
“The light has been out for over a year. Many people have no idea how hard they (The Memorial Day Committee) work. This money came with a lot of sweat and we’re happy to cash it in,” said Mayor Gary Englestad.
The council approved the purchase of the sign from Daktronic of Brooing, SD and estimated that delivery will be made within the next four to five weeks.
In other business, council members discussed establishing the 2014 Season Beach Badge cost and authorizing the annual pre-season sale. Englestad suggested that the cost of beach badges remain the same for the 2014 season.
“Our neighboring towns may be increasing their prices due to Sandy related damage, however we didn’t get hit hard,” he said.
Councilman Harold Cotler motioned to raise the daily beach badge cost by 50 cents and to eliminate the meters on the East side of Ocean Avenue instead of purchasing new meters.
“Last year the parking meters made $70,000, half of which was split between the municipality and Green Acres. Beach badge revenue brought in approximately $700,000. If we increase it by 50 cents, it will more than recoup the $70,000 and it will the price of badges will still be less than neighboring towns,” Cotler said.
Cotler also suggested establishing a no parking ordinance from 3 to 6 a.m. on the East side of Ocean Avenue. But he could not get a second for the motion.
Council members approved keeping the beach badge prices the same for next year.
There will be a $10 discount on beach badges purchased between Dec. 10 to 27.
During the mayor’s report, Englestad announced that FEMA would be granting Bradley Beach $1.67 million.
“This is a good start, but we’re not done,” the mayor said.
Englestad also said that the town received “disturbing news” from the DEP that the borough will not be receiving additional funding to help with the drudging of the lakes. The lake is inches deep, creating problems such as storm water run off and flooding.
“FEMA is pushing for mitigation, however most of our damage is from Sylvan Lake. We need significant help and haven’t stopped pushing to receive funds,” Englestad said.
He also said the council is still working aggressively with the library in their goal to make the library accessible to all members of the community.
“The borough will be unable to afford anything until 2017, however the library is working on ways to fundraise and keep momentum going in order to create the financial bridge between the library and the town,” Engelstad said.
Residents are urged to join the Council on Veteran’s Day, November 11th, at 11 a.m.