A $4,000 state Clean Communities Grant will be used by Interlaken to purchase and install five new dog waste stations to be placed around the borough.
Borough Administrator Lori Reibrich said she is ordered the waste stations this week and that she expects them to be installed sometime in August.
Dog waste sites will be placed at the intersections at five sites throughout the borough:
Windermere Avenue and Scarba Street, near Deal lake; Interlaken Drive and Grassmere Avenue, near the path that enters the borough; Bridlemere Avenue and Scarba Strret, the the side nearest the lake; and Bridlemere Avenue and Iona Street, also on the lake side.
The final dog waste station will be at the intersection of Bridlemere Avenue and Rona Street, near the borough park. A borough ordinance prohibits dogs from going into the park.
The Clean Communities Grant money will also be used to purchase three new family-style picnic tables to be placed in the borough park.