Bradley Beach officials introduced an ordinance this week, which if approved, would allow residents to purchase permits to park in front of their own houses.
Police Chief Leonard Guida had recommended the ordinance.
Municipal Clerk Mary Ann Solinksi sent out a request through the Clerk’s Association asking for comparable ordinances. She received information back from towns including Woodbridge, Jersey City, and Englishtown.
Residents with shared driveways “may be entitled to this permit and they may be able to share it,” said Councilman Thomas Volante. “I look at it as a luxury to the residents.”
But Councilman Harold Cotler disagreed saying that the “ordinance is flawed. Having to pay a permit in order to park in front of your own house is a ridiculous idea.”
Cotler said he’s concerned with having the police manage it while the town has to worry about permits and who paid. There was also concern about drivers blocking driveways.
“If you have someone parking in front of your driveway, call the police and have them ticketed or towed, just like it has always been for the history of this town,” Cotler said.
Councilman Sal Galassetti agreed with Dr. Cotler.
“I think this is just going to end up as a fiasco like the special parking permits,” Galassetti said. “From Memorial Day to Labor Day there’s a parking problem – live with it. You’re opening a can of worms. It’s not even worth the $50.”
Volante also said that if a resident has a driveway they shouldn’t have a parking permit in front of their home.
The public hearing is July 14.