Asbury Park:
The Community Relations Unit of the Asbury Park Police is sponsoring a “National Night Out” event at the municipal complex Tues., Aug. 4.
The free event, an anti-crime event that includes drug awareness, runs from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the parking lot. It includes food, music, games and give-aways. The idea is to provide networking between police and the community.
Sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch, “National Night Out” is designed to heighten crime- and drug-prevention awareness, strengthen neighborhood spirit, demonstrate police and community partnerships, and send a message to criminals neighborhoods are organizing and fighting back.
“The National Night Out event is two-fold: to increase crime-prevention awareness and for the neighbors of the community to become more familiar with one another,” said Sgt. Terry Williams of the community relations unit. “Neighbors know each other, usually look out for each other and each other’s property.”
More information is available from Williams at 732-502-5705 or email
Avon and Neptune City:
The Avon and Neptune police departments are co-hosting a “National Night Out” crime- and drug-prevention event .
The free event runs from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Memorial Beach and Park on Riverview Avenue, Neptune City. It includes food, music, police versus police beach volleyball, emergency vehicles on display, a police dog demonstration, a firefighting drill.
Sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch, “National Night Out” is designed to heighten crime- and drug-prevention awareness, strengthen neighborhood spirit, demonstrate police and community partnerships, and send a message to criminals neighborhoods are organizing and fighting back.