Asbury Park children have plenty to look forward to this fall at the Asbury Park Library, according to Linda Keane, Children’s Librarian and Program Coordinator. The “Craft Lady,” Miss Irene Boles-Petry is back again to continue with her monthly session of stories, snacks and seasonal crafts. Boles-Petry is a regular favorite among the children who “enjoy her creativity,” Keane said.
The program is for ages kindergarten and up with pre-registration required. Space is limited to the first twelve children. The next session is Wednesday, October 14 at 3:15pm. The following sessions will be Wednesday, November 4 at 3pm and Wednesday, December 2 at 3pm.
Keane continued that this summer’s reading program was a success with the end-of-the-summer party bringing kids together to read original stories they wrote based on characters they read about during their vacation.
“Children earned raffle tickets for attendance at programs and for checking out books. The party was a big success as usual with prizes and pizza for everyone. There were two fifty dollar gift certificates to Walmart raffled off. This summer we had storytime everyday, crafts on Fridays and we introduced a Saturday session,” Keane said.
She added that “there is an invitation out to all the preschools” to join the library with their four-year-olds for forty minutes of storytime. Classes run during regular school hours. Contact the library for more about the specific schedule and ask for Linda Keane.
Students from Christian Brothers Academy in Lincroft offered assistance with homework for students at the library last spring. Keane is once again looking for homework helpers to volunteer after school Monday – Thursday, 3pm to 4:30pm. Those volunteering would not have to do so every day and Keane said she would welcome once a week volunteers as well.
Keane’s hope for the upcoming school year is “to have the kids come in and get some fun reading material and also to get homework tutoring, using the library as a resource for reports and projects.”
For more information about becoming an after school volunteer or to pre-register for storytime at the library, contact Linda Keane at 732-774-4221.