Bradley Beach officials are seeking a planner who would be employed during situations where the code office decides that one is needed. When the planner is used, the applicant would incur the costs just as they do with other professional costs.
“Not every application before the zoning and planning board requires the utilization of a planner,” said Mayor Gary Engelstad.
The applicant would pay the planner by a case-by-case basis without the town incurring any expenses unless the borough is the applicant.
“I think it’s really an attempt to get us in line with other towns without incurring significant expenses,” Engelstad said.
The council also authorized the execution of an agreement with Burgis Associates, Inc. for the borough’s Housing Element and Fair Share Plan in an amount not to exceed $14,000. Engelstad said that the borough had not updated their plan in 19 years, since 1996, and said that it’s “grossly overdue.”
“This is a highly reputable firm that specializes in this,” said Engelstad regarding Burgis Associates. “This is not a want to do it’s a have to do.”
Borough Attorney Michael DuPont agreed. DuPont said that after speaking with the Borough Engineer, Administrator and an expert, this was the recommended course of action.
“Rather than the court or someone else making that determination for you, it was the best thought that the Borough spend the money to implement a plan,” DuPont said.
The council authorized the purchase of electricity through online bidding, saving the borough $8,800 per year. Borough Administrator Joyce Wilkins said the vendors compete to reduce the per kilowatt cost for electricity. Hudson Energy won the bid on both the street lighting and the buildings and pump stations. The borough will still be billed through JCP&L as the deliverer, but the energy provider will be Hudson Energy. The borough agreed to a two-year agreement.
Councilman Norman Goldfarb said that the Federal Emergency Management Administration had obligated $618,390 for pump station repairs and $17,118 for emergency protective measures during Hurricane Sandy to the borough. The borough still has a number of claims in progress totaling approximately another $500,000.