Not only will it be good times at The Jersey Shore Arts Center’s Winter Arts Festival in Ocean Grove later this month but there is something extra special – all events are free!
“We have a benefactor providing hors d’oeuvres and light refreshments for events. So, everything is free and there is no reason for tickets now,” JSAC President Herb Herbst said.
The second annual festival will span three days, from Friday, Feb. 26 through Sunday, Feb. 28. Tickets for a dinner and the variety show to be held on Saturday night were originally priced at $40 but, now, admission is free. The arts center is at 66 South Main Street, adjacent to Main Avenue.
“It won’t be a dinner but we will have food and refreshments. We are going to celebrate the arts,” Herbst said.
The variety show offers people a chance to see some of the performers that work in the JSAC. The show will offer an opportunity to catch exciting performances from veterans of the stages at the JSAC, including NENAproductions Theater Project, La Strada Ensemble Theater, Shoreline Dance Academy, and Dragonfly Multicultural Arts Center. They will be presenting portions of their upcoming spring productions. Beforehand, there will be food and refreshments.
“The arts festival is a time each year where we get to honor and celebrate the painters, sculptors, photographers and other visual artists who call the JSAC home. Last year we hung over 100 pieces covering the walls on the first and second floor of our building,” Herbst said.
There are 14 artists now in the three-story building.
“We are trying to expose these artists and it’s our way of thanking people for being in our building,” he said.
The Winter Arts Festival kicks off with a gallery opening on Friday at 7 p.m.
“It will be a night where you can peruse the galleries, meet a few of the artists, and listen to live music,” Herbst said.
The weekend will finish off with a Sunday brunch at 10 a.m.
“Come gather with us and look over the wonderful artwork in the Sunday morning light. In the lobby and elsewhere there will be performances by some of the classes offered at the JSAC.
At 3 p.m. there will be an Open Mic Poetry Reading led by The Jersey Shore Writers. A sign-up to read your own poetry will be that afternoon.
“It should be a poetic end to a wonderful weekend,” Herbst said
For more information go to www.JerseyShoreArtsCenter.org. There is no assigned seating and seating is first-come, first-served. Special arrangements can be made for those with disabilities by calling 732-502-0050.