The Bradley Beach Borough Council hosted a workshop meeting to discuss Sylvan Lake and proposed ordinances with the public. The council heard suggestions from Borough Engineer Gerald Freda regarding the caved in area that is in need of repair.
Freda gave four options to address the 300-foot section. The first option would be to fill in the area with an extension of concrete that would be done at an estimated cost of $1.2-1.3 million. The second option would be to build a bulkhead made of composite material for $750,000. The third option would be to establish a living shoreline, which Freda estimated would cost anywhere between $400,000 -500,000. The fourth option would be to combine all four options into one.
Captain Al Madjeski said he is currently creating a living shoreline for the Shark River at a cost of about $100,000. The borough would be able to apply for Open Space grants through the Monmouth County Parks Department this summer.
Officials said Avon would be establishing a living shoreline on their side of Sylvan Lake.
The council approved the introduction of two new ordinances after the workshop meeting. Ordinance 2016-25 limits the number of block parties per household, providing regulation for enforcement and guidelines for homeowners. Ordinance 2016-26 establishes regulations for storeowners regarding the display of outdoor merchandise.
Four ordinances defining the definition of “family” were approved in order to help tighten the definition for code enforcement.
“These ordinances give Bryant (Curry) the power and parameters,” said Borough Attorney Michael DuPont who assisted with the ordinances. The definition of “family” was taken from Long Branch, which has withstood many challenges, officials said.