The 2016 Summer Olympics are still several months away but the summer reading games are about to begin at the Ocean Township Library. This year’s theme is “On Your Mark, Get Set…Read,” tieing into the Olympics and playing with the idea that reading is a “sport of the mind” ,according to Kate Benedict, Children’s Librarian of the Ocean Township Library branch for the Monmouth County Library System.
To help launch the summer reading program, the Ocean Township Friends of the Library will present “Mr. Scott, The Music Man” on Wednesday, June 15 at 4:15 p.m. Scott will deliver an interactive concert experience where sports create ‘No Couch Potatoes.’ His show will incorporate physical theatrics, original musc, and comical lyrics. Registration is for children in grades kindergarten and up.
“Reading keeps the brain trained and has shown to improve cognitive function. Reading is a simple way to build imagination. It should be an every activity and not just for the summer months,” Benedict said.
Last year Ocean Township had more than 200 kids join the summer reading program with over 1,000 hours read. The “Read-to-Me” group had almost 100 kids read about 800 books. And, the adult program was the most successful program in Monmouth County.
“We hope to have even better attendance this year,” Benedict said. “I hope to see more participation in the program, and more people make use of the wonderful free programming that we offer. This summer’s program is not very different from last year’s with the exception that the entire staff will be working to bring a greater excitement to the program.”
The summer reading program kicked off June 1 and ends August 13. The “Beginning Reader” and “Grades K through sixth grade (Reading on their Own)” will have “On Your Mark, Get Set…Read” theme; “Teen Readers (grades 6-12)” will have the “Get in the Game…Read” theme and “Adult Readers” will have the “Exercise Your Mind…Read” theme. In addition, Benedict said she will be featuring weekly craft programs that focus on sports.
“The library will be offering two teen crafts over the summer as well. This is new to the program and we are hoping some kids will find the time to join in!” she added.
“Heroes, Magic and Books” with Magician and Family Entertainer Steve Woyce will take place Monday, July 13 at 4pm. This program is open to all ages and registration begins June 22.
Magician Bob Conrad will also be featured with his show “On your Mark, Get Set, Read! It’s Magic!” The sports-filled magic show will take place Wednesday, July 20 at 4:15pm. Free tickets will be available starting July 1.
In August there will be two reading celebrations. The final Summer Reading Party featuring “The Lizard Guys” will take place on Wednesday, August 10 with two shows to choose from: 4:15pm or 5:15pm. Those who read eight hours and completed the summer reading club will be treated to a show filled with snakes, lizards, and bugs.
For more information about joining the summer reading program at the Ocean Township Library contact Kate Benedict at 732-531-5092.