A newly-formed Neptune City Historical Committee will help keep the borough’s history and records up to date.
Created by the Borough Council last week, the five-member committee will look into what actions it can take to record and maintain the history of the borough. Former Police Chief Richard F. Cottrell published a book about Neptune City in 1981, which was updated in 2000, but Acting Borough Administrator Joel Popkin said no one has been updating the information since then.
“No one has been maintaining the historical records here since then and this committee will follow up on things and keep the information up to date. This will put in place a process to keep up with the borough’s history and fill in any gaps,” he said.
Popkin said the committee will preserve important actions of the governing bodies, events, commendations and new or old borough businesses.
He said Mayor Robert Brown is expected to meet with the new committee soon to set out a direction and get it up and running.
Committee members are Ted Wardell Sr., Alexander Tallman, Richard Mackay, Randy Rossman, and Dr. Jack Crawford. Popkin will act as the administrator for the committee. Appointments to the committee are for one year.