Beach badge prices will go up in Bradley Beach next summer.
The Borough Council voted to increase the cost of daily badges from $8.50 to $9. The price had remained steady for three years.
Season badges will cost $75 instead of $70.
The price of advance season badges will remain at $65. The cost of senior citizen beach admissions will also stay the same.
Councilman John Weber was the only vote against raising the daily rate. He asked Borough Administrator Kelly Barrett if last yearís beach receipts covered expenses. Barrett replied that the costs were covered. Councilman Harold Cotler said that the beach utility surplus had to be used to balance the beach budget. He said the surplus would be restored with the 50-cent increase, allowing for any unexpected beach expenses.
Mayor Gary Engelstad was the lone vote against raising the annual fee to $75.
Also at its meeting earlier this week, the council set the rental fee for the boardwalk gazebo at $150 with a $150 deposit. Renters will be advised of the rules and regulations for the use of the gazebo at the time the fee is paid.
The borough will charge $500 for new beach lockers, up from $475 to cover the cost of installation.
Councilman Randy Bonnell circulated aerial photos of various areas in the borough to illustrate the proliferation of buildings relative to vegetation. He brought up the subject during a discussion of possible changes in the town’s master plan.
The borough Planning Board is in the process of reviewing suggestions which have come from the council and citizens. Engelstad asked Planning Board Chairman William Psiuk to report the panel’s recommendations to the council on an ongoing basis rather than wait for a complete report once the review process is complete.
Councilman Norman Goldfarb announced that the borough will take part in Operation Take Back on Sat., Oct. 28. Residents can drop off old medications at the police department from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Engelstad said the annual Halloween parade will take place Mon., Oct. 30 at 6 p.m. Participants should register at the fire house.
Cotler invited residents to attend a meeting in council chambers on Tues., Nov. 7 at 6 p.m. to discuss ideas for Bradley Beach is 125th anniversary, which will be celebrated next year.
The mayor asked anyone interested in helping to establish a new historical society to contact the borough administrator’s office.