Asbury Park continues to improve on road infrastructure kicking off the Bridge and Heck Streets project this week, starting with Heck Street.
Residents should expect minor detours in the Heck Street area over the next few weeks. Construction on Bridge Street will follow. Improvements will include new sanitary sewer mains and storm sewer infrastructure, curb and sidewalk replacements and roadway paving.
New Jersey Department of Transportation’s work on the Main Street Revitalization Project also continues with crews installing electrical wires and underground storm sewer infrastructure along Main Street/State Route 71.
Residents are asked to use caution during 24-hour lane and parking closures, while northbound and southbound traffic is accommodated via lane shifts. Sidewalk access to residences and businesses will be available at all times.
The project, which is anticipated to be completed in the spring of 2020, will include replacement of 18 traffic signals with new pedestrian signals, replacement of electrical utility poles, curb upgrades for ADA compliance at every intersection, upgrades of underground utilities, drainage improvements, lighting improvements and partial sidewalk replacement.
Road reconstruction, final repaving and restriping will follow a traditional road diet plan to accommodate all corridor users and will include creating a center two-way left turn lane with a travel lane in each direction, bicycle lanes and parking.
“With the tremendous amount of improvements we’re making to our city’s streets, it’s a given that the work is going to be disruptive,” said Mayor John Moor, “ but we need to remember that the goal is to make our streets safer and create more efficient traffic flow — and the end results will be well worth it.”
Other infrastructure improvements around the City have been completed, including replacement of traffic signals at Springwood and Atkins Avenues, and Sunset Avenue and Comstock Street. Sunset, Washington, Prospect, Park and 4th Avenues, as well as Steiner Place, have been repaved, and traffic calming measures, including stop bars and crosswalks, have been added to improve safety at 40 intersections throughout the City.
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