No parent of a school age child has asked the Board of Education to station a police officer in the Bradley Beach Elementary School, according to the board president.
In response to a resident’s question at this week’s Borough Council meeting, Susan Monroe said that only people without children in the school have called for the presence of an officer.
She said the board is still discussing security procedures at the school. Meanwhile, according to Monroe, officers are on site in the morning and at dismissal, and police do at least one walk-through of the building each day.
Monroe cited the cost of placing an officer as one of the issues being considered by the board, particularly in light of ongoing state aid cuts. She said the school will install security cameras, which also cost money.
The board president said that some entry procedures have been adjusted and that a representative of the state Department of Homeland Security is scheduled to inspect the school to offer suggestions on safety policies.
Also at this week’s meeting, the council voted to leave beach fees for 2019 at their current levels, $9 for a daily badge and $75 for a seasonal pass. A $5 discount on seasonal badges will be offered from Nov. 26 through Jan. 4.
Chief Financial Officer Gail Krzyzczuk said that beach revenue did not meet the target set for 2018.
Because of an increase in manufacturing costs, the council voted to increase the one-time fee for new beach lockers from $500 to $535. Due to maintenance costs, the annual renewal fee for lockers will be $165, up from $150 per year.
Although more than 200 people remain on waiting lists for lockers, borough employee Terry Wright said that the longest waits are for lockers at the borough’s most popular beaches. The wait can be much less, he said, for those wishing to take advantage of less busy oceanfront spots.
The council introduced an ordinance authorizing $413,500 in bonds to buy a sanitation truck and a sump truck. Borough Administrator Kelly Barrett said she reviewed a list of available used vehicles and none of them would meet the borough’s needs.
A public hearing on the ordinance will take place at an upcoming meeting.
Councilman Harold Cotler asked the public to offer suggestions on how to handle temporary home rentals in the borough through services such as Airbnb.
“You didn’t buy your house to have a different neighbor every week,” he said to the audience.