The Asbury Park City Wide Yard Sale is scheduled for Sat., April 27 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Rain date is April 28.
As in the past, organizers Connie Breech and Sonja O’Brien are looking for city residents willing to host a yard sale at their home and donate at least 10 percent of their sales to either one of the two great local animal rescues: Rescue Ridge ( and Wag On Inn (
In year’s past the organizers have been able to give each rescue sizable donations that greatly help their tireless efforts for our little furry friends.
The two women will obtain yard sale permits for each host as well as make sure that the sale is well promoted in the local newspapers, radio spots, and other social media venues to generate excitement and bring lots of shoppers to your sales.
To register, please send email or a message via Nextdoor with your name, address of the sale location and cell phone and I will put your address on the maps or email