Hoover Cano has been promoted from sergeant to lieutenant in the Neptune City Police Department.
Nicholas Morgan has been promoted to the rank of sergeant, and George Williams has been hired as a new police officer.
The Borough Council approved the appointments when it met earlier this week.
Police Chief Matthew J. Quagliato invited members of the public to attend a swearing-in ceremony for the three on Tues., Sept. 10 at 6 p.m. in Memorial Park.
In the event of bad weather, the proceedings will take place at Woodrow Wilson Elementary School.
On Wed., Sept. 11, the borough will honor its emergency personnel and pause to remember the 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States. The event will be held in First Responders Park on W. Sylvania Avenue beginning at 6 p.m.
At Borough Hall on Thurs., Sept. 12 at 6 p.m., Chief Ross Licitra, executive director of the Monmouth County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, will explain the trap, neuter and release program recently approved by the council.
The society will trap feral cats in the borough, neuter them and return them to the community. Any kittens will be offered for adoption.
Arrangements for Neptune City to join the program began after Councilman Andrew Wardell asked Licitra for his assistance. The two men serve together on the Monmouth County Board of Health.
Neptune City Board of Education President Anthony Susino invited the community to attend an ice cream social tonight (Aug. 29) at the school to welcome Dr. Ralph P. Ferrie, who was recently hired as interim chief school administrator. Ferrie is a former superintendent of schools in Monroe Township and on Long Island.
The event is sponsored by the Neptune City Education Association.
Also at its meeting this week, the council approved a bond issue of $53,704 for pedestrian improvements on Steiner Avenue. Most of the project is funded by a federal Community Development Block Grant. Some of the work will help the borough comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.