Gary and I have been all over Neptune talking with voters about the serious issues in Neptune. We’ve shared a lot of information and ideas to the voters, in many ways especially via social media. We’ve put a lot out into the public view. That’s what voters deserve.
We’re also not afraid of taking on the serious issues because it’s time for a better Neptune. We’re about straight talk because voters need to hear the hard truth about the issues. We are not polished politicians, but we’re people willing to talk about the problems and the solutions. We’re just citizen activists who have no designs on future office holding other than in Neptune.
Vote your hopes for a safer and more affordable Neptune. Vote for leaders who will take a challenge head on, especially regarding violent crime which is an issue devastating to our community.
Find all of our content at and on Facebook, Hogan & Moll For Neptune.
On Tues., Nov. 5, vote for me, Kendra Hogan and vote for my running mate, Gary Moll. We’re fresh voices that won’t disappoint you.
Kendra Hogan
Gary Moll
Candidates For Neptune Township Committee