The Asbury Park Music Foundation needs help to keep its music education programs going this summer via virtual and small in-person summer camps—and for the 2020-2021 school year.
The curriculum is crucial for at-risk students from low-income families in Asbury Park and the surrounding area. These students are often on subsidized lunch programs in an area that still ranks among the highest crime rates in NJ. It is a particularly critical time since they have lost the structure of school days and after-school programs. APMF has missed out on many of its typical fundraising shows and concerts and is struggling to continue to offer these life-changing programs beyond the end of June.
Students who have been engaged in the programs for more than three years may be told that the foundation can no longer support them.
Every $500 that is raised will cover several months of scholarships or get kids to a summer camp. The foundation is seeking donations to continue to support the programs.
Those wishing to donate can do so online via the website or mail your check payable to APMF to: Asbury Park Music Foundation, 621 Lake Avenue, Unit 1C Asbury Park, NJ 07712.