Stacy Wiener of Allenhurst, founder of S.A.C.K., Supporting a Community with Kindness, has made a pledge. She plans to donate a total of 820 soap sacks to homeless shelters, food pantries and social service agencies in Monmouth County by Sept.1.
That number represents one soap sack for each person who died from COVID-19 in Monmouth County.
What’s a soap sack, you might ask? It’s a knitted or crocheted pouch, approximately 4×6 inches in size, that includes a full-size bar of soap. They can be used as a washcloth or simply for storage of the soap to keep it clean.
The group is a nonprofit organization, founded by Wiener, that has been making and donating soap sacks to those in need since 2017. What started as a small, grassroots movement, has evolved into a network of volunteers in all 50 states, as well as Europe, Asia and Australia. This group of knitters and crocheters donate their soap sacks to homeless shelters, food pantries, veterans clinics and social service agencies all over the world. Since its inception, this incredible community has donated over 100,000 soap sacks globally.
Most people are not aware that basic toiletries, such as soap, cannot be purchased with food stamps. Therefore, the need for these items is essential, especially during this current pandemic. Personal hygiene is critically important at this uncertain time, and soap sacks are filling a more important need than ever before.
“We’re donating the bar of soap, but the handmade sack, which includes a tag explaining where they came from, provides a heartfelt addition that our recipients truly appreciate,” Weiner said. “ Our soap sack donations help to send a message of dignity, hope, compassion, health and love…. all life-affirming emotions that can restore a person, both physically and mentally.”
She has donated 500 soap sacks since April.
“I am proud to say that I will definitely meet my goal of 820 by September,” she said. “We are all mourning the loss of these 820 lives, and by donating soap sacks to those in need, it is my way of honoring them.”
More information about S.A.C.K. can be found on the organization’s website,