The Asbury Park Affordable Housing Coalition is in the process of collecting signatures on a rent control petition, which will be presented to the City Council.
Tracy Rogers, one of the petition’s organizers, said the group has over 625 signatures, which exceeds the necessary 544 required for council to formally accept it.
All signatures will have to be verified by the city.
Rogers said the 28 page ordinance proposed in the petition is similar to one in Hoboken.
“It’s generous to small landlords…ensures they always have a method to maintain their property. It stops gentrification and people from being pushed out,” he said.
Former Council Candidate Felicia Simmons and Trinity Church Social Justice Director Derek Minno Bloom, were also involved with crafting the petition.
Rogers said signatures came from all areas of town including senior housing.
“It’s a large, diverse group, the petition affects the whole town,” he said.
Rogers said the group wants to ensure that housing is affordable for all sectors including municipal employees, teachers and artists.
Visit the Asbury Park Affordable Housing Coalition on Facebook for more information.