The Bradley Beach Shade Tree Commission will host a “Pruning and Tree Care Workshop” with certified forester William Brash at the BB Business Community Alliance “Green Fair,” on April 24 from 11 a.m. to noon. The hours of the fair are 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Riley Park.
The commission is running a student art exhibit, showcasing the submissions of Bradley Beach Elementary School students for an Arbor Day Art Contest. The students’ work will be exhibited in the gazebo in Riley Park.
There will also be a table with general information on tree care as well as applications for two new dedication programs. The program, Honor Me, will enable you to dedicate a tree for a donation of $250. Residents can also sign up for a wishing tree to be considered for a possible free tree in their planting strip.
On Arbor Day, April 30 at 5:30 p.m. the commission will have a tree planting and dedication. Bradley Beach Mayor Lrry Fox will formally adopt Arbor Day in a proclamation of official observance. A White Oak will be planted in the Green located at Second and Third Avenues, near Main Street.
Over the winter the Commission gained accreditation with the NJ Forestry Service and the Arbor Day Foundation as a member of Tree City USA.