NENAproductions Theater Project is returnng live theater to the Jersey Shore Arts Center in Ocean Grove with its fall production of “Drracula.,” a campy, creepy show based on the classic novel by Bram Stoker.
Nick Montesano will direct the production which runs Fridays and Saturdays, Oct.1 through 9 at 7:30 p.m. and Sun., Oct 10 at 3 p.m.
NENAproductions performing live has been shut down for the last 20 months due to Covid.. All audience members will be asked to abide by the Jersey Arts Center guidelines for attendance at the theater.
All performances take place at The Jersey Shore Arts Center, 66 Main Avenue, at the entrance to Ocean Grove, NJ. $25 general admission tickets for the show are available online at or in person at the door. A full Covid vaccination or negative test results will be required to attend DRACULA. For patrons who are not fully vaccinated, a negative Covid test result must be obtained within 72 hours (3 days) of first attending.
For more information visit or contact NENA at