The Long Branch Library will host a idiscussion about the book “Fatherlands: Identities of a Cuban American” with author Charles Lopez Bruns at 7 p.m. June 14.
The book is a memoir with a twist about a local author’s journey from Charles Lopez to Charles Bruns and how his identity and experiences as a son, stepson and father impacted his family and career.
The author, who lives in Long Branch, will discuss his memories of Cuba as a boy near the beginning of the Revolution and growing up in New York City and New Jersey neighborhoods with few Cubans. The book also touches upon Cuban immigration in the U.S., Cuban Americans the author has gotten to know during his life, and the Latino presence in Long Branch.
Bruns is a communication professional and lifelong writer.
For more information call 732-222-3900, Ext. 2350. This program is free and open to the public. All are welcome.