Flags have been removed from the sticks at veterans’ graves in Neptune.
At Mt Prospect Cemetery in Neptune, flags from veterans’ graves have been removed, leaving only the wooden sticks.
Roughly 20 graves have been vandalized. This happened a year ago as well, and at the time was thought to be random vandalism. The same graves had their flags removed this year, barely a week since the flags were placed by volunteers from American Legion Post 346 in Neptune.
SAL Commander Gary Crawford said, “For this to happen, right before Memorial Day, is an insult to our veterans. Our crew placed 1800 flags in six cemeteries, and fired rifle volleys over nine cemeteries this past Sunday. We work hard to honor our fallen, and then we see this.”
Decorating the graves’ is the term used in the past, where both Union and Confederate families would decorate the graves of lost loved ones each year. Flowers, flags, and other items were placed, along with having a family picnic.
“The day used to be called Decoration Day before being changed to Memorial Day,” Crawford said.
Along with other Memorial Day events, Post 346 on Gully Road in Neptune will be holding a remembrance event at 9 a.m. on May 27. The public is invited.