The Neptune Girls Athletic Association committee members discuss upcoming reunion. Pictured are left to right (seated) Carol Maloney, Jane Moore, Stephanie McAnee, Anne Lombardi and Patty Lawlor. Standing are Maura Fitzsimmons and Susan Dilloian
The Neptune Girls Athletic Association has scheduled a reunion Sat., Sept. 7 from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Headliner in Neptune.
This is the first time a reunion has been planned since the organization’s farewell finale, in 1985, held at the Convention Hall in Asbury Park.
The organization was created in 1932, when girls were not afforded the opportunity to participate in Varsity Sports. In the beginning, a girl was assigned a team, Red or Black. “Over time, tradition and family ties set the precedent as to which team you were on,” said Jane Moore, adding jokingly, “it was not wise to cross family lines either.”
There are currently over 180 women registered to attend the reunion.
“We have former G.A.A. participants coming from all over the country with classes dating as far back as the mid 50’s,” Stephanie McAnee said.
G.A.A. participants are asked to wear their team color and bring memorabilia to be displayed during the reunion. If you are interested in attending the G.A.A. Reunion on September 7th, information may be obtained on the Neptune High School G.A.A. Facebook page or email
You are asked to leave your maiden name, graduation year, and if you were a Red or a Black. A suggested donation of $10 will be accepted and later distributed to the Athletic, Music, and Art departments at Neptune High School.