Neptune will hold a rededication ceremony for the World War II memorial on Broadway in Ocean Grove Sun., Sept. 25th at 1 p.m.
The memorial, which recently underwent a $100,000 refurbishment, was originally dedicated in 1950 to 34 veterans from Neptune.
Committeeman Rob Lane is in search of anyone involved with the original monument 77 years ago or their family members.
“If anyone is related to them and would like to come as a special guest they can email me directly,” Lane said.
His direct email is
Lane has been working cooperatively with members of local American Legion and Veteran and Foreign War posts to create a ceremony comparable to the original dedication. This includes a singing of the Star-Spangled Banner. Lane said they are in search of singers and musicians who would like to perform throughout the ceremony.
Behind the memorial, two fire trucks will unfurl a large American flag between them. The township library and historians are currently curating pictures and articles from the original dedication to display when about 1,000 people attended the ceremony.
Lane said representatives of the VFW are reaching out to current military personnel to attend and address the crowd.
The rain date is Oct. 2.
For more information on how to participate or assist, contact Lane.