Darryl Strawberry
The Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association welcomes baseball legend Darryl Strawberry to the Great Auditorium Sun., July 23 at 10:30 a.m.
Strawberry is described as a legend by many who have been dazzled by the dynamics of his game, the power he possessed at the plate and the story of redemption that continues to bring hope to so many lives. He has earned the legendary nicknames and phrases of one of the most feared home run hitters in the game of baseball including Straw’s Sweet Swing, Strawberry’s Field Forever and The Legendary Straw Man!
Though Strawberry was extremely successful in his career, his personal life was plagued with addictions, abuse, divorce, cancer, and other issues. He found redemption and today is an ordained minister.
He will be bringing his message of hope to the July 23 event.
“I was once very lost and tormented but now I am found and free in Christ Jesus. I want everyone to experience the saving and transforming power of Jesus Christ,” he said.
He is co-founder of the Darryl Strawberry Recovery Center in Orlando, Fla.