Two meetings have been scheduled for Asbury Park residents to provide input regarding the Master Plan.
Last updated in 2006, Asbury Park’s Master Plan is getting a much-needed review and update.
The 10 year document will apply through 2027, and community input is an essential part of the review process.
Community Input meetings are Thurs., Feb. 9 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Trinity Church Gymnasium, 503 Asbury Ave. and Tues., Feb. 21 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Asbury Park Senior Center, 1201 Springwood Ave.
Residents are asked to share what they love about Asbury Park, what they’d like to see changed, and what their vision for the city is through 2027.
Discussion topics include land use, historic preservation, sustainability, open space, parks, recreation, economic development, movement and circulation, community facilities, and urban design.