The Community Hope Fund, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, which is dedicated to promoting healthy youth development and supporting charitable needs in Ocean Township, recently approved five grants for 2016-17. These grants included L.E.A.D, formerly D.A.R.E., two grants to benefit the Township of Ocean Student Assistance programs which include Girls Circle/Boys Council and Project Extend, as well as the Mercy Center of Asbury Park and the Euphrates Project of Neptune which totaled $10,860.
The Community Hope Fund’s mission is to help local families in need through clothing and food as well as build developmental assets in local youth through programs like TOGS and ITOGS. “This past year alone, 180 Thanksgiving food baskets were donated to needy families as well as gifts for 34 families through its Adopt A Family program in December. Help is also offered throughout the year to various families who are in need. In addition, two high school scholarships were given out to deserving seniors who met our criteria as well as yearly grants that help needy organizations,” said Denise Parlamas, CHF Board of Trustees President.
Since 2009, The Community Hope Fund has received much generosity from the Township of Ocean community, including organizations such as The Greater Ocean Township Chamber of Commerce. The community supports CHF through monetary donations as well as the collection, sorting and delivery of baskets when needed.
For more information call 732-531-2600.